Petition for Correction of Entry in a Philippine Civil Registry Document
This is undertaken in cases of clerical error. The clerical error must have all of the following:
- It was committed in the performance of clerical work in writing, copying, transcribing or typing an entry.
- It is harmless and innocuous (does not affect others negatively).
- It is visible to the eyes or obvious to the understanding.
- It can be corrected or changed only by reference to other existing record.
- It has not been the subject of a previous petition.
The following entries can NOT be corrected under this procedure but can be corrected by COURT ORDER::
- Nationality
- Age
- Civil Status
- Sex
- Personal appearance of applicant
- Three (3) original accomplished petition form (link for downloadable form)
- Two (2) copies of the document to be corrected, issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) (formerly known as National Statistics Office (NSO)) in Security Paper.
- At least two (2) official documents showing the correct information and two (2) copies of each
- The original must be presented for the certification of the photocopies.
- Passport of the petitioner and two (2) photocopies showing personal information data
- Other necessary documents required by the processor
- Processing fee of 200 AED
- Two (2) copies of the Official Receipt. The original must be presented for certification of photocopies.
❖ The petition will be posted by the Embassy for 10 working days. Wait for the Embassy’s call when the
Embassy receives the decision or Action Taken by the Civil Registrar General. You will be given a copy of this.
❖ Check or follow up with PSA to get your corrected or annotated document