The Assistance-to-Nationals (ATN) functions for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has been turned over to the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) since 01 July 2023, in compliance with Republic Act No. 11641.

Under said law, all assistance cases involving OFWs, including legal, medical assistance, repatriation, and shipment of remains shall now be handled by the DMW through the use of its AKSYON Fund, except in countries where there are no resident Migrant Workers Offices (MWOs) under the DMW.

OFWs (whether documented or undocumented) in Abu Dhabi, UAE are requested to refer to MWO Abu Dhabi all requests for assistance:

Hotline +971562709157
Email Address
Legal Assistance
Murder, Attempted
Suicide, Illegal
Recruitment, Baby Cases
+971 50 368 2274
Sexual Assault, Physical
Assault, Rape, Forgery,
Fake Money and Theft
+971 54 456 6103
Drug Cases, Medical,
Money Claims and
Financial Assistance
+971 55 427 2464
Drug Cases +971 50 818 5632
Repatriation Assistance (including medical)
Hotline +971 54 557 2121
+971 58 594 3131
Email Address

The ATN Section of the Philippine Embassy in Abu Dhabi shall continue to assist all other overseas Filipino nationals within the Emirates who are not OFWs/temporary workers, but fall under other categories (students, tourists, dual citizens, permanent residents, etc.).

ATN Hotline: +971 50 443 8003
Email Address: