The Social Security System (SSS) Office in the Philippine Embassy announces that it is ready to accept applications for the Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card.

TheUMID card will be the single IDcardof all SSS, GSIS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG members.

Attached are the requirements for the UMID card data capture.

For more information, please email or call/text 0566128861 and 0509089407.


SSS Abu Dhabi Press Release

The Philippine Social Security System (SSS) – Abu Dhabi through the Philippine Embassy is pleased to announce the resumption of Data Capture for the Unified Multi-Purpose ID(UMID). SSS members who do not have an SSS ID may now apply for UMID data capture at the SSS Office of the Philippine Embassy in Abu Dhabi between 8:00A.M. to 4:00P.M. Sundays to Thursdays.

For initial enrolment (never been issued an SSS ID), the applicant must be an actively paying member and should bring with them copies of at least two valid IDs (passport copy, Driver’s licence, PRC, Voter’s ID, Emirates ID) while those who have been issued an SSS ID or have lost it or whose SSS IDs have been damaged or have changed their demographic data, they are required to pay the replacement fee of P300.00 through their relatives in the Philippines at any SSS branch or collecting banks and present the copy of their payment receipt together with their valid IDs on the day of data capture.

Application form for the Unified Multi-Purpose ID(SSS form E-6) can be downloaded at the SSS’ website at and click on the link “downloadable forms”.

          After data capture, UMIDs are processed by SSS Main Office and will be       sent   to Abu Dhabi for about one month. However, including its          shipment to Abu    Dhabi, release of UMIDs may take longer. Applicants     are advised to contact the         SSS office at 0566128861 before going to       the Embassy to claim their        processed UMID.

                                      Below is a sample of processed UMID.



            To avoid rejection of UMID application, applicants are advised to clean their         fingers for clear capture of finger prints. Wearing of contact lenses,    sleeveless      shirts/blouses, dangling earrings are also not allowed during data capture.

            The Unified Multi-Purpose ID is a joint undertaking of service agencies of   the      Philippines(SSS, GSIS, Pag-IBIG, Philhealth, PhilPost and National         Statistics        Office) to streamline the issuance of Identification cards.

            For more information, please email us at or Call/Text us         at 0566128861 and 0509089407.
